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计算风险和 事业的成功

A student reminisces on the experiences and opportunities at 澳门线上赌场 that shaped her future.

当24岁的伊莎贝拉·西蒙冒险或做出重大决定时, 毫无疑问,这是经过精心计算的吗. 但这是典型的西蒙,a 金融专业 在雪城大学 马丁J. 惠特曼管理学院他权衡利弊,研究事实和数据.

当她决定出国留学时,情况确实如此. 她在找工作的过程中表现出了这种稳定的逻辑, securing a position 在 commercial bank rotational analyst program at Capital One.

Simon put all those skills to the test when she pursued a meeting with a Capital One recruiter to discuss other opportunities. 它得到了回报. “我知道我有支持系统, 包括朋友, 家庭和Orange电视台, definitely helped me take that risk and feel confident enough to believe in myself and what I wanted,西蒙说. “Being able to take that kind of risk by putting myself out there really helped start my career.”

西蒙有双学位 公共关系 在 S.I. 纽豪斯公共传播学院. “我的双专业是一个令人兴奋的挑战, but they provided the flexibility I was looking for in my education,她说。. “Having both creative and analytical skills provides me with a well-rounded mindset to approach problem-solving and prepares me for the evolution of careers I intend to explore.” Her classes 在 Whitman School give her the business knowledge she needs to succeed while her Newhouse School classes round out her skillset with critical communications experience. “纽豪斯为我提供了公开演讲的机会, 演讲, 写作, 以及能够应对未来所有挑战的设计技能.”


Isabella Simon walking in a building on syracuse University's campus.

西蒙的24, 金融和公共关系双学位, balances schoolwork with her many activities including as a Whitman School peer mentor, vice president of finance for the 美国公共关系学生协会, 惠特曼学生大使, 担任惠特曼就业中心的学生参与助理.

西蒙从各个方面探索了锡拉丘兹的学者, 俱乐部体育 还有学生组织. She also had an internship with Morgan Stanley in Manhattan, which she secured with help through the 惠特曼谈华尔街 program, an immersive finance experience for Whitman School students. She’s taken her learning beyond campus to Syracuse’s abroad center in Florence, 意大利, 以及参加惠特曼学校的内罗毕浸入式旅行, 肯尼亚, 她在哪里把课堂上学到的东西付诸实践.

“雪城大学的灵活性真的很吸引我,她说。 of why she chose to attend Syracuse. “I wanted to be in a place where there were lots of opportunities academically, 在社交方面以及其他方面.”

One of the activities closest to the New Jersey native’s heart is the club softball team, which Simon says helps her to balance her schoolwork and job 在 Whitman Career Center. “Softball practice is where I get to be with my teammates and absorb the energy that I love,她说。. “这是一个出口,它帮助我跟上我的日常计划.”

雪城大学的灵活性真的很吸引我. I wanted to be in a place where there were lots of opportunities academically, 在社交方面以及其他方面.


这个时间表也包括德尔塔西格玛派的成员, 惠特曼商学院的专业商业联谊会. Simon credits it with helping her strengthen her 演讲 and public speaking skills and where she’s made some of her closest friends. 同时,她还是美国运通的财务副总裁 美国公共关系学生协会, 惠特曼学生大使, 带领未来的学生参观, 在惠特曼就业中心工作. Previously, she was a Whitman School peer mentor who worked with incoming first-year students.


Simon spent a summer in Manhattan interning at Morgan Stanley 在 Operations division on the Global Network and Banking Services team. 

If it sounds like a lot that’s because it is, but that doesn’t worry Simon. “尽管我很忙, I don’t feel overwhelmed because the people here make me feel involved, 有影响力和鼓励. Every team and group I’m a part of is a different form of support for different aspects of my college journey,西蒙解释道. “老实说,能参与这么多活动真的很令人兴奋. It's also how you meet different people with different backgrounds and see how putting your time and effort into something gives you 更多的 in return.”

尽管我很忙, I don’t feel overwhelmed because the people make me feel involved, 有影响力和鼓励. Every team and group I’m a part of is a different form of support for different aspects of my college journey.



Isabella SImon posing for a photo with her parents, also SU alumni.

The River Edge, New Jersey native’s parents also attended 澳门线上赌场.

西蒙大二的时候,她去肯尼亚旅行 沉浸式学习体验 这是她的课程《澳门赌场在线》的一部分. 在那里, they met with representatives from several businesses and visited artisan workshops to learn about entrepreneurship, 供应链和其他商业行为. Simon says one of the biggest lessons she took away from the experience was how it opened her eyes to becoming comfortable in unfamiliar situations. “The best places and journeys lead you to questions you didn’t know you had. My class trip to 肯尼亚 really deepened my perspective and fostered personal growth.在教室里走之前, Simon and her classmates created projects for the businesses they met with in 肯尼亚. 一旦有, they spoke with staff at those businesses about supply chain issues and marketing efforts, 分享想法,建立人际网络.

2022年,西蒙还在佛罗伦萨留学了一个学期. She took a break from her finance studies, opting for several arts and science classes. 当然,还有吃——手工做——很多意大利面. 她的住处离罗萨别墅只有几步之遥 佛罗伦萨的锡拉丘兹海外中心-离市中心几分钟路程, giving her the chance to immerse herself 在 local culture and language.

The best places and journeys lead you to questions you didn’t know you had. My class trip to 肯尼亚 really deepened my perspective and fostered personal growth.




Simon took part in an immersive learning trip to 肯尼亚 as well as studied abroad in Florence, 通过锡拉丘兹海外项目来到意大利.

Simon juggles a lot of activities and responsibilities, but that’s perfect for her. She’s grateful to know she has the support system—including her family, 教授, 朋友和学校资源——让她脚踏实地. “我的房间里有一句话是这样说的, ‘I will never again take for granted the people and places I love most,’”她说。.

“I think that’s what I'll miss most about Syracuse when I graduate—the people. 但我很高兴能成为雪城大学校友网络的一员. 那对我来说将是一种安慰. I’ll miss the people at Syracuse, but my fellow Orange won’t be that far.”

作者 丽莎·马雷斯卡




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